the weak state *of Pepys' eyes*
(too old to reply)
Arthur Neuendorffer
2016-04-09 15:39:00 UTC
. . Rosicrucians. . Freemasons
. . Rosy Cross[the Craft] Stone Guild
. Q1. *ROSsenCRAFT*. . *GuilderSTONE*
. Q2. ROSencrans. . Guyldensterne
. F1. ROSincrane. . Guildensterne
. F2,3,4 *ROSinCROSSe* . . Guildenstare

<<James Anderson published Masonic history:

"But [Queen Elizabeth] hearing the Masons had certain Secrets that could
not be reveal'd to her (for that she could not be Grand Master) and
being jealous of all secret Assemblies, she sent an armed Force to break
up the annual Grand Lodge at York, on St. John's Day, 27 Dec. 1561.

"But Sir Thomas Sackville, Grand Master, took Care to make some of the
chief Men sent Free-Masons, who then joining in that Communication,
made a very honourable Report to the Queen; and she never more attempted
to disloge or disturb them, but esteem'd them as a peculiar sort of Men
that cultivated Peace and Friendship, Arts and Sciences,
without meddling in the Affairs of Church or State">>
Robert Dudley born:
24th June [St. John's Day] 1532 at *SHENE*, Surrey
Oxford dies: 24th June [St. John's Day] 1604

1) There was no ceremony or gravesite.
2) June 24 was MidSummer's Day & the Masonic/Templar St. John's Day.
3) It was 1000 years after St.Augustine's May 26, 604 death.
November 27, 1582 Wm Shaxpere & Anna Whateley of Temple Grafton
November 28, 1582 William Shagspere & Anne Hathwey of Stratford

November 27 + 26 weeks (-3 days) => May 26

Witty Susanna Shak. was 'born' on St. AUGUSTINE's day May 26, 1583
Susan Vere born on St. AUGUSTINE's day May 26, 1587
HUGUENOT Abraham de Moivre born St. AUGUSTINE's day May 26, 1667
HUGUENOT Abraham de Moivre dies (as predicted) November 27, 1754
7/8 ths of a century old.

Freemason Alexander Pushkin born St. AUGUSTINE's day May 26, 1799
Seligmann: <<St. John was thought to have been an alchemist,
for according to the Byzantine legend he had transformed the
pebbles at the seashore into gold and precious stones. Medieval and
Renaissance alchemists did not stress the scientific part of their
wisdom; as they turned away from magic more and more, the inquiring
spirit fo their ancestors released its hold upon them. Many declared
that the contemplation of nature was far more important than the study
of learned books. They recommended that one recapture the simplicity
of heart, affirming that a child could make gold, and that the
primary ingredient for alchemical work - the prima materia -
could be found everywhere. But the ignorant trod upon it daily,
and the cornerstone of alchemy is rejected by the unworthy.
"It is manifest to all men," says Paracelsus concerning
prima materia, "the poor have more of it than the rich.">>
Monstrous Adversary: The Life of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
by Alan H. Nelson - pages 429-30
<<Lady Susan Vere married Sir Philip Herbert on [St. John's Day] 27 December,
26 weeks & 4 days after her father's death [on St. John's Day, 24 June, 1604].
John Chamberlain described the event to Dudley Carleton in a letter dated
7 January 1605, revealing that the King had expedited the marriage by
contributing £500 in land, plus gifts amounting to £2000:

"We began on St. John's day
with the marriage of Sir Philip and the Lady Susan,.."
<< *SAMUEL PEPYS* (pronounced *PEEPS*)
was born in London February 23, 1633, the son of a *TAILOR.*
He was educated at *Magdalene* College, Cambridge.

On January 1, 1660 he started his diary. The same year he
became Clerk of the Acts to the Navy Board. In May 1669 his
diary was brought to a sudden conclusion, owing to the weak
state *of Pepys' eyes* . His wife died the same year.

When Pepys died on May 26, 1703 his diaries were bequeathed
to Magdalene College. The six volumes were written IN
A CIPHER based on *THOMAS SHELTON's* system of shorthand.

The books were first deciphered by a Mr. *John SMITH*
from 1819 to 1822. A shortened (& expurgated)
publication appeared in 1825; the complete diary
of more than 3800 pages appeared in 1893.>>
. From Wikipedia, http://www.pepysdiary.com/
The SUSAN Constant: (Henry) May 26

May 26, 1232 Spanish Inquisition starts
May 26, 1543 Vesalius' _Fabrica_ published

May 26, 1583 SUSANna Shakespeare Hall born
_____________ (after a 26 week gestation!)
May 26, 1587 SUSANna Vere Herbert born

May 26, 1599 HENRY PORTER disappears
May 26, 1607 Jamestown Indian attack
May 26, 1703 Samuel Pepys ( *PEEPS* ) dies
May 26, 1759 Mary WollSTONECRAFT Godwin born
May 26, 1799 Freemason Alexander Pushkin born
May 26, 1819 Prince Albert born
May 26, 1827 Poe enlists in Army as PERRY
. Fighting FRANCIS Vere died on May 26, 1609
1st Archbishop of Canterbury AUGUSTINE died May 26, 604
Witty SUS-ANna Shak. 'born' on May 26, 1583
Witty SUS-ANna VERE 'born' on May 26, 1587
. Edward de VERE died on *St. JOHN's day* 1604 and
was buried in the church of *St. AUGUSTINE* in Hackney.
Sir Francis VERE died on *St. AUGUSTINE's day* 1609 and
was buried in the chapel of *St. John* in Westminster Abbey.
MYTH: Oxford was buried in a stone coffin in the floor
of Westminster Abbey's Chapel of St. John the Evangelist.
The stone coffin in the floor of the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist
near the monument to Oxford's cousins, Francis & *HORATIO* Vere,
was opened in 1913. It contained the bones of an *ECCLESIASTIC* .

*ECCLESIASTIC* , a. [L. ecclesiasticus, Gr. , fr. an assembly
of citizens called out by the crier; also, the church,
fr. called out, fr. to *call out* ; out + to call.]
Edward de Vere *IS* certainly buried in Westminster Abbey.

This fact is *SO*
"intuitively obvious to the most casual observer" that
visitors to Westminster Abbey must get special permission
to visit the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist...
else the truth would *call out* to all intelligent people:
<<Sir Francis Vere (1560-1609) & his brother Horace (1565-1635)
are buried in the chapel of St John the Evangelist in the Abbey.
Francis has a large monument of alabaster & black marble
showing him lying on a carved rush mattress in civilian
dress under a slab on which is laid out his suit of armour.
The slab is supported on the shoulders of
*four life-sized knights in armour*
who kneel at each corner.
Loading Image...
. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Act 5, Scene 2
PRINCE FORTENBRASSE: *Let four captains*
. *Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage*
. For he was likely, had he been put on,
. To have proved most royally: and, for his passage,
. The soldiers' music and the rites of war
. Speak loudly for him.
. <<Inscribed on Athena's shield is a Latin motto,
. meaning *TRUTH is enveloped in obscurity* , which explains
. the imagery on the shield-the central sun representing
. *TRUTH* and the surrounding clouds obscurity.>>
_______. {anagram}
the word *BACON* is given explicitly on page *53* of:
The Comedies: The Merry Wives of Windsor Act 4, Scene 1
Qu. Hang-hog, is latten for *BACON* , I warrant you.
The Histories: 1 King Henry IV, Act 2, Scene 1
2. Car. : I haue a Gammon of *BACON* , and two razes of
. Ginger, to be deliuered as farre as Charing-crosse.
. and "Bacon" is given implicitly on page *53* of:
. The Tragedies: [which starts _Romeo & Juliet_]
Enter *SAMSON* and Gregory, with Swords and (B)[uck]lers,
_________________ of the House of (Ca)[p]ulet.
________________________________ Samps(on).
_The Mystery of Francis Bacon_ By William T. Smedley
<<In 1577 Christopher Plantin published an edition of Andrea Alciat's
. "Emblemata." On page 104 is Emblem No. 45, "In dies meliora."
This has been re-designed for the 1577 edition. It contains at the
back the pillars of Hercules, with a scroll around being the motto:
. "Plus oltre." These pillars stand on some arches,
. immediately in front of which is a mound or pyramid,
. two sides of which are seen.
. On one is to be found the light A
. and on the other the dark A.
. This design was appropriated by Whitney, and appears
. in the 1586 edition of his Emblems on page 53.>>
. LOVE'S LABOURS LOST Act 5, Scene 1
MOTH . . . What is a, b, spelt backward,
. with the *HORN* on his head?

*BA* - *COrNO* : *HORN* (Old French, Celtic, Welsh, Catalan)
On the Frontispiece in vol.1 of Nicholas Rowe's 1709 edition of _The
Works of Mr. William Shakespeare_ there is "a *HORN* on his head."
This *HORN's* "double READ" points to the number *53*
on the Stratford Monument. (http://tinyurl.com/bvwbda)
Art Neuendorffer
2016-04-09 16:20:50 UTC
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
. LOVE'S LABOURS LOST Act 5, Scene 1
MOTH . . . What is a, b, spelt backward,
. with the *HORN* on his head?
*BA* - *COrNO* : *HORN* (Old French, Celtic, Welsh, Catalan)
On the Frontispiece in vol.1 of Nicholas Rowe's 1709 edition of _The
Works of Mr. William Shakespeare_ there is "a *HORN* on his head."
This *HORN's* "double READ" points to the number *53*
on the Stratford Monument. (http://tinyurl.com/bvwbda)
Art Neuendorffer
Your as thick as that School Teacher Arthur.

The "Horn" was something every child in a school had. It was made from a piece of cow horn and it had the letters of the alphabet on it and things like the Lord's Prayer.
The boy like so many boys was not paying attention, or was like you THICK as two planks of wood. So the teacher said look at your horn, because the lad could not say "B" and "A". So the young William Shakespeare who was a "teachers nightmare" said "look a silly sheep" from the "Ba" noise they were both making - "with a horn".
No doubt William would have got the horn on the back of head!
Perhaps Arthur should get the first folio on the back of his head.

For Christ sake Arthur "sit up straight and pay attention".
If I catch you once again playing with your cypher your going to the headmaster!
Arthur Neuendorffer
2016-04-09 16:33:34 UTC
Post by g***@btinternet.com
The "Horn" was something every child in a school had. It was made from a piece of cow horn and it had the letters of the alphabet on it and things like the Lord's Prayer.
The boy like so many boys was not paying attention, or was like you THICK as two planks of wood. So the teacher said look at your horn, because the lad could not say "B" and "A". So the young William Shakespeare who was a "teachers nightmare" said "look a silly sheep" from the "Ba" noise they were both making - "with a horn".
No doubt William would have got the horn on the back of head!
Don't get horny on me, Graham.

Art N.
2016-04-09 19:36:57 UTC
On Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 11:39:02 AM UTC-4, Arthur Neuendorffer (aka Noonedafter) wrote:

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
The SUSAN Constant: (Henry) May 26
May 26, 1232 Spanish Inquisition starts
*NO*, Art; the Spanish Inquisition did *not* begin on May 26, 1232. The Spanish Inquisition was authorized by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478 (some two and a half centuries later -- but that's pretty close for you, Art) after the Reconquista, when the realms of Aragon and Castille were united by the matrimonial alliance of _Los Reyes Católicos_, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille, in order to combat suspected heresy among Jewish _conversos_, Muslim _moriscos_, and potentially heterodOX groups like the _alumbrados_.

What you may have in mind (what little is left of it, at any rate) is the papal Bull _Declinante jam mundi_ of 26 May, 1232, which authorized Archbishop Esparrago to empower the Dominicans to seek out heresy *in his diocese* and in those of the his bishops suffragans; this was thus a local affair, predating the Spanish Inquisition by two and half centuries. See, among many other sources, the _Encyclopedia Britannica_,


the Catholic Encyclopedia,


part of whose treatment of the topic reads:

"The Spanish Inquisition, however, properly begins with the reign of Ferdinand the Catholic and Isabella. The Catholic faith was then endangered by pseudo-converts from Judaism (Marranos) and Mohammedanism (Moriscos). On 1 November, 1478, Sixtus IV empowered the Catholic sovereigns to set up the Inquisition. The judges were to be at least forty years old, of unimpeachable reputation, distinguished for virtue and wisdom, masters of theology, or doctors or licentiates of canon law, and they must follow the usual ecclesiastical rules and regulations. On 17 September, 1480, Their Catholic Majesties appointed, at first for Seville, the two Dominicans Miguel de Morillo and Juan de San Martin as inquisitors, with two of the secular clergy assistants....",

as well as many other sources.

The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!

Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
May 26, 1543 Vesalius' _Fabrica_ published
May 26, 1583 SUSANna Shakespeare Hall born
_____________ (after a 26 week gestation!)
May 26, 1587 SUSANna Vere Herbert born
May 26, 1599 HENRY PORTER disappears
May 26, 1607 Jamestown Indian attack
May 26, 1703 Samuel Pepys ( *PEEPS* ) dies
May 26, 1759 Mary WollSTONECRAFT Godwin born
*NO*, Art; Mary Wollstonecraft was NOT born on May 26!

If you have in mind (such as it is -- or what little is left of it, at any rate) Mary Wollstonecraft the philosopher, then she was born on 27 April 1759:


If your Unteachable Moron persona has in mind (such as it is -- or what little is left of it, at any rate) her daughter, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (née Godwin), then she was born on August 30, 1797:


Neither of them was born on May 26, Art.

The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!

Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
May 26, 1799 Freemason Alexander Pushkin born
May 26, 1819 Prince Albert born
*NO*, Art!! Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was *NOT* born on May 26, 1819; rather, he was born on August 26, 1819, some three months later:


-- but compared to the two and a half centuries by which you were off above, this is remarkably close for you.

The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!

Is your illiteracy in English so extreme that you cannot even decipher what is written in common, reliable reference sources like the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Art?! Can you not persuade Saint Carolyn or some other indulgent soul with saintly patience to read the pertinent entries to you? Almost *any* reference -- for example, a children's encyclopedia (although you probably could not read that either) would have disabused you of this delusion, Art. Or, you could have remembered that I have corrected you on this point, as well as the others above, *REPEATEDLY* in the past. Can you no longer remember anything that happened less then three minutes ago, Art?!

Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
MYTH: Oxford was buried in a stone coffin in the floor
of Westminster Abbey's Chapel of St. John the Evangelist.
The stone coffin in the floor of the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist
near the monument to Oxford's cousins, Francis & *HORATIO* Vere,
was opened in 1913. It contained the bones of an *ECCLESIASTIC* .
*ECCLESIASTIC* , a. [L. ecclesiasticus, Gr. , fr. an assembly
of citizens called out by the crier; also, the church,
fr. called out, fr. to *call out* ; out + to call.]
Edward de Vere *IS* certainly buried in Westminster Abbey.
Proof, Art?
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
This fact is *SO*
"intuitively obvious to the most casual observer"
In other words, you have no proof whateVER, so you just made this up -- graciously conceded, Art!

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
The Comedies: The Merry Wives of Windsor Act 4, Scene 1
Qu. Hang-hog, is latten for *BACON* , I warrant you.
So? "Bacon" is quite a commonplace English word, Art, although doubtless unfamiliar to you.

Out of curiosity, Art, why did you emphasize *53* above? Because 53 is both the sum of two consecutive integers and the difference of their squares?

[Crackpot cryptography snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
*BA* - *COrNO* : *HORN* (Old French, Celtic [sic],
There is no such language as "Celtic", Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Welsh, Catalan)
But there is no "r" in "Bacono", Art. The word _corno_ (whatever language you think -- usual disclaimer! -- that it is) simply *DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE TEXT ABOVE*!

Besides, what's the initial _ba_ doing there? Incidentally, Art, have you eVER looked up (or rather, persuaded someone literate to look up for you) the word _coño_ in Spanish, Art? Get someone literate to look it up for you.

[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Art Neuendorffer
2016-04-10 11:58:44 UTC
Post by nordicskiv2
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
The SUSAN Constant: (Henry) May 26
May 26, 1232 Spanish Inquisition starts
*NO*, Art; the Spanish Inquisition did *not* begin on May 26, 1232. The Spanish Inquisition was authorized by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478 (some two and a half centuries later -- but that's pretty close for you, Art) after the Reconquista, when the realms of Aragon and Castille were united by the matrimonial alliance of _Los Reyes Católicos_, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille, in order to combat suspected heresy among Jewish _conversos_, Muslim _moriscos_, and potentially heterodOX groups like the _alumbrados_.
What you may have in mind (what little is left of it, at any rate) is the papal Bull _Declinante jam mundi_ of 26 May, 1232, which authorized Archbishop Esparrago to empower the Dominicans to seek out heresy *in his diocese* and in those of the his bishops suffragans; this was thus a local affair, predating the Spanish Inquisition by two and half centuries. See, among many other sources, the _Encyclopedia Britannica_,
the Catholic Encyclopedia,
"The Spanish Inquisition, however, properly begins with the reign of Ferdinand the Catholic and Isabella. The Catholic faith was then endangered by pseudo-converts from Judaism (Marranos) and Mohammedanism (Moriscos). On 1 November, 1478, Sixtus IV empowered the Catholic sovereigns to set up the Inquisition. The judges were to be at least forty years old, of unimpeachable reputation, distinguished for virtue and wisdom, masters of theology, or doctors or licentiates of canon law, and they must follow the usual ecclesiastical rules and regulations. On 17 September, 1480, Their Catholic Majesties appointed, at first for Seville, the two Dominicans Miguel de Morillo and Juan de San Martin as inquisitors, with two of the secular clergy assistants....",
as well as many other sources.
The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!
Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
May 26, 1543 Vesalius' _Fabrica_ published
May 26, 1583 SUSANna Shakespeare Hall born
_____________ (after a 26 week gestation!)
May 26, 1587 SUSANna Vere Herbert born
May 26, 1599 HENRY PORTER disappears
May 26, 1607 Jamestown Indian attack
May 26, 1703 Samuel Pepys ( *PEEPS* ) dies
May 26, 1759 Mary WollSTONECRAFT Godwin born
*NO*, Art; Mary Wollstonecraft was NOT born on May 26!
Neither of them was born on May 26, Art.
The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!
Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
May 26, 1799 Freemason Alexander Pushkin born
May 26, 1819 Prince Albert born
-- but compared to the two and a half centuries by which you were off above, this is remarkably close for you.
The remarkable thing, of course, is that I have pointed out all this to you before -- REPEATEDLY! -- yet your Unteachable Moron persona keeps posting the *SAME DISCREDITED IDIOTIC CRAP* -- oVER and oVER and oVER!
Is your illiteracy in English so extreme that you cannot even decipher what is written in common, reliable reference sources like the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Art?! Can you not persuade Saint Carolyn or some other indulgent soul with saintly patience to read the pertinent entries to you? Almost *any* reference -- for example, a children's encyclopedia (although you probably could not read that either) would have disabused you of this delusion, Art. Or, you could have remembered that I have corrected you on this point, as well as the others above, *REPEATEDLY* in the past. Can you no longer remember anything that happened less then three minutes ago, Art?!
Is your Unteachable Moron persona unteachable because of age-related senile dementia, or have you always been unteachable, Art? Lehigh's VERdict would point to the latter hypothesis.
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
MYTH: Oxford was buried in a stone coffin in the floor
of Westminster Abbey's Chapel of St. John the Evangelist.
The stone coffin in the floor of the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist
near the monument to Oxford's cousins, Francis & *HORATIO* Vere,
was opened in 1913. It contained the bones of an *ECCLESIASTIC* .
*ECCLESIASTIC* , a. [L. ecclesiasticus, Gr. , fr. an assembly
of citizens called out by the crier; also, the church,
fr. called out, fr. to *call out* ; out + to call.]
Edward de Vere *IS* certainly buried in Westminster Abbey.
Proof, Art?
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
This fact is *SO*
"intuitively obvious to the most casual observer"
In other words, you have no proof whateVER, so you just made this up -- graciously conceded, Art!
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
The Comedies: The Merry Wives of Windsor Act 4, Scene 1
Qu. Hang-hog, is latten for *BACON* , I warrant you.
So? "Bacon" is quite a commonplace English word, Art, although doubtless unfamiliar to you.
Out of curiosity, Art, why did you emphasize *53* above? Because 53 is both the sum of two consecutive integers and the difference of their squares?
[Crackpot cryptography snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
*BA* - *COrNO* : *HORN* (Old French, Celtic [sic],
There is no such language as "Celtic", Art.
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Welsh, Catalan)
But there is no "r" in "Bacono", Art. The word _corno_ (whatever language you think -- usual disclaimer! -- that it is) simply *DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE TEXT ABOVE*!
Besides, what's the initial _ba_ doing there? Incidentally, Art, have you eVER looked up (or rather, persuaded someone literate to look up for you) the word _coño_ in Spanish, Art? Get someone literate to look it up for you.
[Lunatic logorrhea snipped]
Post by Arthur Neuendorffer
Art Neuendorffer
Well, Art? Which trait is it that accounts for your Unteachable Moron persona's imbecilic, Trump-like repostings of false "facts" that are readily refuted by a children's encyclopedia -- inherent ineducability or senility?
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