Shakespeare's death
(too old to reply)
gggg gggg
2021-06-01 21:58:59 UTC
Arthur Neuendorffer
2021-06-02 03:13:55 UTC
gggg gggg wrote:

. . . . . Sonnet 132
THine eies I loue, and they as pittying me,
Knowing thy heart torment me {W}ith [D]{I}sda[I]{N}e,
Ha[V]{E} put [O]n bla[C]k, and louing mourners bee,
Looking with pretty ruth vpon my paine.
. . . <= 5 =>
. . t .o .r. m e
. . n .t .m. e {W}
. . i .t .h [D]{I}
. . s .d .a [I]{N}
. . e, H .a [V]{E}
. . p .u .t [O] n
. . b .l .a [C] k,
[COVID] -5
{WINE} . 5
<<Michael Drayton (1563 – 23 December 1631) corresponded familiarly with Drummond; Ben Jonson, William Browne, George Wither and others were among his friends. Vicar John Ward, who was translated to Stratford-on-Avon in 1661, in his attempt to compile hearsay of Shakespeare, wrote that:
"Shakespear Drayton and Ben Jhonson (sic) had a merry meeting and it
seems drank too hard for Shakespear died of a feavour there contracted."
In one of Drayton's poems, an elegy or epistle to Mr Henry Reynolds, he has left some valuable criticisms on English poets including Shakespeare: That he was a restless and discontented, as well as a worthy, man may be gathered from his own admissions.>>
Alan Green's cyan right triangle marked by
{(e-1), sqrt(3), G(dot)} : https://tinyurl.com/yydnzwbn
. is a 30º/60º/90º triangle with almost the orientation of the
. 30º/60º/90º triangle pointing to the Westminster burial site.

. https://vimeo.com/181710012
. https://tinyurl.com/yydnzwbn
If Shaksper's merry drinking buddies: Drayton & Jonson are
substituted for: Chaucer & Spenser as the hypotenuse a smaller
self similar 30º/60º/90º triangle points to an end of the tiled
section where something else may be easily buried (Beaumont?).
The smaller triangle is reduced in size by a factor of
[1+sqrt(3)] ~ "e" : probably the exact length ratio of
Alan Green's adjacent "blue" right triangle designated "e"
. https://tinyurl.com/yydnzwbn
Art Neuendorffer
