Arthur Neuendorffer
2021-05-20 02:29:19 UTC
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<The Washington Irving ELS is promising. Well done.>>
You should read the whole thing:
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
<<The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., is a collection of 34 essays and short stories written by the American author Washington Irving. It was published serially throughout 1819 and 1820. The collection includes two of Irving's best-known stories, attributed to the fictional Dutch historian Diedrich Knickerbocker: "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle". It also marks Irving's first use of the pseudonym Geoffrey Crayon, which he would continue to employ throughout his literary career.>>
Neufer wrote:
<<However, one literally can go crazy throwing out ideas for 25+ years
without *anyone* responding (with either positive or negative responses)>>
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<You should try to work out why people don't respond,
so you don't go crazy. I'll write more tomorrow.>>
My late Aunt Ruth Neuendorffer (a liberal FDR supporter who
grew up just a half a block away from Sleepy Hollow cemetery)
visited her relatives in Germany in the '30's and
was flummoxed that so many of those relatives
thought that Hitler was a *great* leader.
I haven't gone crazy (thus far) but if I were to spend
any time trying to figure out why apparently decent people
were attracted to the likes of Hitler, Putin, & Trump
then I certainly *would* go crazy!
In retrospect: whether folks give a damn (of not)
. about my cipher musings hardly matters at all.
Art N.
<<The Washington Irving ELS is promising. Well done.>>
You should read the whole thing:
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
<<The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., is a collection of 34 essays and short stories written by the American author Washington Irving. It was published serially throughout 1819 and 1820. The collection includes two of Irving's best-known stories, attributed to the fictional Dutch historian Diedrich Knickerbocker: "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle". It also marks Irving's first use of the pseudonym Geoffrey Crayon, which he would continue to employ throughout his literary career.>>
Neufer wrote:
<<However, one literally can go crazy throwing out ideas for 25+ years
without *anyone* responding (with either positive or negative responses)>>
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<You should try to work out why people don't respond,
so you don't go crazy. I'll write more tomorrow.>>
My late Aunt Ruth Neuendorffer (a liberal FDR supporter who
grew up just a half a block away from Sleepy Hollow cemetery)
visited her relatives in Germany in the '30's and
was flummoxed that so many of those relatives
thought that Hitler was a *great* leader.
I haven't gone crazy (thus far) but if I were to spend
any time trying to figure out why apparently decent people
were attracted to the likes of Hitler, Putin, & Trump
then I certainly *would* go crazy!
In retrospect: whether folks give a damn (of not)
. about my cipher musings hardly matters at all.
Art N.