Post by gggg gggg
I have seen the opera several times and the parallel is obvious.
"Boris' life was dramatised by the founder of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin, in his play Boris Godunov (1831), which was inspired by Shakespeare's Henry IV. Modest Mussorgsky based his opera Boris Godunov on Pushkin's play."
"In the draft letter to the publisher of Moskovskii vestnik (1828), Pushkin claims to have written Boris Godunov “po sisteme Ottsa nashego - Shekspira” [according to the system of our Father Shakespeare] (Pushkin [1828]"
I've heard the expression 'William - nashego Shekspira' many times in Russia.
- Shostakovich looks] "A ne zamakhnut'sya li nam na Vil'yama, ponimayete li, nashego Shekspira?" [Why don't we aim a blow at William, you know, our Shakespeare...
I didn't realise it went back to Pushkin.
Brush up your Shakespeare and the Russians you will wow!