John Shakespeare 1531-1601 father of William Shakespeare
(too old to reply)
2015-04-23 14:37:48 UTC
A well-to-do glover and whittawer (leather worker) by trade, Shakespeare
was a dealer in hides and wool, and was elected to several municipal
offices, serving as an alderman and culminating in a term as bailiff,
the chief magistrate of the town council.

Court records also document him as a "brogger", an unlicensed--and therefore illegal--wool dealer.In addition, he bought and leased out houses. He
was twice taken to court for violating the usury laws that prohibited
charging interest higher than the legal limit of 10 percent.

In 1556 he was elected borough ale taster, the first of several key
municipal positions he was to hold in Stratford.
In 1558 he was appointed borough Constable -- a position similar to an
early police constable.

In 1559 John became an affeeror...This role led to his becoming a
burgess, then a chamberlain. He would have been known as a 'Goodman',
a title that recognised his growing social status within Stratford.
By 1564, John was an alderman, a member of the Common Hall of Stratford,
and it was in this year that William was born.

He married Mary Arden, one of the Ardens of Warwickshire, a local gentry family...
The Shakespeares had eight children: Joan, died in infancy,
Margaret 1562 - 1 1563, William 1564 - 1616, Gilbert 1566 - 1612,
Joan 1569 - 1646, Anne 1571 - 1579, Richard 1574 - 1613 and
Edmund 1580 - 1607.


Arthur Neuendorffer
2015-04-23 15:42:33 UTC
Post by marco
<<The only record that survives of his personality is a note written by Thomas Plume fifty years after his death. Plume records a conversation with Sir John Mennes (1599-1671), who stated that he had once met him in his shop and described him as a "merry cheeked old man" who said of his son that "Will was a good honest fellow, but he durst have cracked a jest with him at any time." As Katherine Duncan-Jones points out, this is impossible, since Mennes was two years old when John Shakespeare died. She thinks Plume may have been recording an anecdote related by Mennes taken from his father.>>
_Who Wrote Shakespeare?_ by John Michell.

<<Only one person claimed that he saw John Shakspere. In the middle of
the 17th century, Archdeacon Thomas PLUMe of Rochester wrote down some
legends about Shakspere: 'He was a glover's son. Sir John MENNES saw
once his old father in his shop - a MERRY CHEEKT OLD MAN, that said,

"Will was a good honest fellow, but he durst
have crackt a *JESST* with him att any time."'

(Sir John MENNES was only 2 1/2 years old when John Shakspere died)>>
. William Shakespeare by Anthony Holden
<<Each time [John Shakespeare] 'signed' the borough accounts,
Shakespeare's father used as his mark an elegantly drawn
pair of COMPASSes, one of the tools of his trade.>>
ISAIAH 44:13 The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it
out with a line; he fitteth it with planes, and he marketh it out
with the *COMPASS*, and maketh it after the figure of a man,
according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house.
The Psalms 46 (1611)
though the mountaines be caried into the midst of
the se{A}. Though the waT[E]rs (T)hereof roa[R]e, And
b(E) troubl[E]d, thoUgh t(H){E} MO[U]ntaines *SHAK(E)*
with th[E] swelling (T)hereof. The[R]e is a r(I)uer, the
stream[E]s (H)erof shall make gl{A}d the citie of God:
_________ <= 16 =>

. t h e m i d s t o f t h e s e{A}
. T h o u g h t h e w a T[E]r s(T)
. h e r e o f r o a[R]e,A n d b(E)
. t r o u b l[E]d,t h o U g h t(H)
.{E}M O[U]n t a i n e s*S H A K(E)*
. w i t h t h[E]s w e l l i n g(T)
. h e r e o f T h e[R]e i s a r(I)
. u e r,t h e s t r e a m[E]s w(H)
. e r o f s h a l l m a k e g l{A}
. d t h e c i t i e o f G o d:
The DOUBLE {AA} (_Faerie Queene_) headpiece.
AUTOLYCUS. Vices, I would say, sir. I know this man well; he hath
. been since an APE-bearer; then a process-server, a BAILIFF;
. then he COMPASS'd a motion of the Prodigal Son,
- Ben Jonson: "Poor Poet-Ape ... the frippery of Wit," (1602)
<<Mary Arden and John Shakespeare married in 1557
presumably in the parish church of St John the Baptist, Aston
Cantlow. Mary was illiterate - she used a running horse as her
signature! As soon as she married Mary moved to the house owned
by her husband John in Henley Street in Stratford-upon-Avon. >>
_William Shakespeare: The Man Behind the Genius_ by Anthony Holden

<<We know that by 1552 John Shakespeare was living on the
north-eastern side of town, in HENley Street, thanks to
his ignominious debut in the town records on 29 April:
fined a shilling, along with Humphrey Reynolds
and ADRIAN QUINEY, for making an unauthorised DUNGHILL>>
<<Adrian Quiney's mark or sign (an inverted upper-case Q) embellishes
the same page as John Shakespeare's in the council records;>>
<<Adrian Quiney's grandson Thomas eventually
married Shakespeare's daughter Judith, and they
named their first son, born in 1617, "Shakespeare".>>
Greg wrote: [Shaksper's] daughter Judith is
Post by marco
not known to have left any writings for us
to judge except her cute little mark
which has been likened to a pig's tail.
Elizabeth wrote:
Post by marco
Judith's signature is that middle squiggle.
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Art Neuendorffer
2015-04-24 19:38:45 UTC
The Shake-speare group authors had the means, motive & opportunity to embed their names (and/or the names of their dedicatees) into Ciphers & Codes.

Besides, my REVElations continue to improve in both quantity & quality
and I find satisfaction in that alone.

Art N.

Seeing an intelligent post addressed to Art Neuendorffer (from Sabrina)
I took Art out of my kill-file -- the first time in Ten years or more.
But then -- in the space of a couple of hours-- FIVE long posts of unreadable garbage landed in my in-box.
I heard the real key was in the Ciphers & Codes...
Whoever told you that is an idiot.
There is no need for codes or ciphers -- just plain common sense
is enough to tell you who the poet isn't, and who he must be.

.....if it's full of Neuendorffer crap (as most are) you may have
a problem finding anything.

Neuendorffer is...grossly self-indulgent...not caring how
much he mucks up this newsgroup...

So Neuendorffer goes back where he belongs--the kill-file, as a [boring] Troll.

Paul Crowley
2015-05-12 20:03:32 UTC
Post by marco
The Shake-speare group authors had the means, motive & opportunity to embed their names (and/or the names of their dedicatees) into Ciphers & Codes.
Besides, my REVElations continue to improve in both quantity & quality
and I find satisfaction in that alone.
Art N.
Seeing an intelligent post addressed to Art Neuendorffer (from Sabrina)
I took Art out of my kill-file -- the first time in Ten years or more.
But then -- in the space of a couple of hours-- FIVE long posts of unreadable garbage landed in my in-box.
I heard the real key was in the Ciphers & Codes...
Whoever told you that is an idiot.
There is no need for codes or ciphers -- just plain common sense
is enough to tell you who the poet isn't, and who he must be.
.....if it's full of Neuendorffer crap (as most are) you may have
a problem finding anything.
Neuendorffer is...grossly self-indulgent...not caring how
much he mucks up this newsgroup...
So Neuendorffer goes back where he belongs--the kill-file, as a [boring] Troll.
Paul Crowley
