Mickey Mouse Leaks wrote:
<<I'm not interested in winning an argument with Art just in removing defamatory content which third parties can see. If I have trouble removing it I'd expect to lobby my Member of Parliament. I wouldn't be the only person on the receiving end and some would be suffering far far worse abuse and defamation than me. It would be quite wrong if cesspits of abuse are allowed to remain on the internet in the face of complaints.>>
You really need to lobby the Privy Council
(not Parliament) about "cesspits of abuse."
Mickey Mouse Leaks wrote:
<<I have found the button for reporting individual posts as abusive, so I'll start work soon. There are quite a few to get through. Let's hope they make life simpler for me...>>
I hope you like Diet Coke.
President Biden Seems to Have Removed the Famed
'Diet Coke Button' from the Oval Office Desk
By Jelisa Castrodale January 22, 2021
<<By the time President Joe Biden took a seat behind the Resolute Desk and started his first day of work, the Oval Office had already been swiftly redecorated for him. His family pictures were framed and neatly arranged in front of a bust of Latino-American labor leader and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez. A portrait of Benjamin Franklin replaced the painting of Andrew Jackson that had been on the wall for the past four years. And the previous president's red "Diet Coke button" had been removed from the desk, too.
On Thursday morning, British journalist Tom Newton Dunn shared side-by-side pictures of Biden and former President Donald Trump sitting behind their desks, noting one significant difference. "When [journalist Tom Shipman] and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we became fascinated by what the little red button did," he tweeted. "Eventually Trump pressed it, and a butler swiftly brought in a Diet Coke on a silver platter. It's gone now."
Dunn isn't the first to note the existence of the button. During an April 2017 Oval Office interview with the Associated Press, journalist Julie Pace also got to see it in action. "With the push of a red button placed on the Resolute Desk that presidents have used for decades, a White House butler soon arrived with a Coke for the president," she wrote.
Demetri Sevastopulo, a Washington, D.C. correspondent for the Financial Times also mentioned its presence on the top of Trump's desk. "'This isn't the nuclear button, is it?' I joke, pointing," he wrote. "'No, no, everyone thinks it is,' Trump says on cue, before leaning over and pressing it to order some Cokes. 'Everyone does get a little nervous when I press that button.'"
According to The Independent, a former White House communications aide said that Trump would use the button to jokingly make Oval Office visitors nervous. "Out of nowhere, he'd suddenly press the button," Chris Sims wrote in his book, Team of Vipers. "Not sure what to do, guests would look at one another with raised eyebrows. Moments later, a steward would enter the room carrying a glass filled with Diet Coke on a silver platter, and Trump would burst out laughing.">>
Art N.