Arthur Neuendorffer
2021-05-19 14:11:28 UTC
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Any suggestions why 11 might be significant?>>
Not really... however, there is this:
. Rosalynde (1590) by *THOMAS LODGE*
_Phoebe's Sonnet, a Reply to Montanus' Passion_
. When Love was first begot,
. And by the *moVER's WILL*
. Did fall to human lot
. His solace to fulfil,
. Devoid of all deceit,
. A chaste and holy fire
. Did quick[E]n man's conce[I]t,
. And women's [B]reast inspi[R]e.
. The gods th[A]t saw the goo[D]
. That mortal{S} did approve,
.{W}ith kind and holy mood
. Began to talk of Love.
. . . . . <= 11 =>
. D i d q u i c k [E] n m
. a n's c o n c e [I] t,A
. n d w o m e n's [B] r e
. a s t i n s p i [R] e.T
. h e g o d s t h [A] t s
. a w t h e g o o [D] T h
. a t m o r t a l {S} d i
. d a p p r o v e,{W} i t
. h k i n d a n d .h. o l
. y m o o d
[{W.S.} DARBIE] -11 : Prob. in song ~ 1 in 3,650,000
. But during this accord,
. A wonder *STRANGE* to hear,
. Whilst Love in deed and word
. Most faithful did appear,
. False-semblance came in place,
. By Jealousy attended,
. And with a double face
. Both love and fancy blended;
. Which made the gods forsake,
. And men from fancy fly,
. And maidens scorn a make,
. Forsooth, and so *WILL I*.
If you grace me with that favor, you encourage
me to be more forward; and as soon as I have
overlooked my labors, expect the Sailor's Calendar.
<<*SILEXEDRA* at Fisher’s Folly of Bishopsgate was Edward de
Vere’s little writing factory full of his early band of frontmen.
This period lasted 1580-88/91. The *SILEXEDRA* motley crew included:
• [T]homas [LODGE] – “Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacy, Found After
.. His Death In His Cell At *SILEXEDRA*” (based on As You Like It).
.<<Lodge would later reminisce about the Silexedra years in his novel
. Euphues's Shadow. In a prefatory epistle to the book, Lodge noted
. how “Euphues repent the prime of his youth misspent in *FOLLY* and
. virtuously end the winter of his age in *SILEXEDRA*.>> - Mark Anderson
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
. From Lansdowne MS.(777) TEMP. James I.
. On Mr. Wm. Shakespeare
. Renowned Spencer lye a thought more nye
. To learned Chaucer, and rare Beaumond lye
. A little neerer Spenser, to make roome
. For *SHAK{E}SPEARE* in your threefold, fowerfol{D} Tombe.
.(To LODGE) all fowre in one bed m{A}ke a shift
. Untill Doomesdaye, for ha{R}dly will a sift
. Betwixt ys day and yt {B}y *FATE* be slayne,
. For whom your Curta{I}nes may be drawn againe.
. If yoUr prec{E}dency in death doth barre
. A *FOURTH* place in your sacred sepulcher,
. Under this carved marble of thine owne,
. Sleepe, rare Tragœdian, Shakespeare, sleep alone;
. Thy unmolested peace unshared Cave,
. Possesse as Lord, not Tenant, of thy Grave,
. That unto us & others it may be
. Honor hereafter to be layde by thee.
- . . Wm. Basse
. . . . . <= 30 =>
. For *SHAK {E} SPEARE* i nyour. threefoldf
. owe .rfol {D} TOMBE (To LODGE) allfowrein
. one .bedm {A} keash .if tUnti. llDoomesda
. yef .orha {R} dlywi .ll asift. Betwixtysd
. aya .ndyt {B} yFATE .be slayn. eForwhomyo
. urC .urta {I} nesma .yb edraw. nagaineIfy
. oUr .prec {E} dency .in death. dothbarreA
. FOU .RTHp .l. acEin .yo ursac. redsepulcher
{E.DARBIE} 30 : Prob. ~ 1 in 10,300
<<The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus
As it was plaide by the right honourable the {E}arle of {DARBIE},
. *Earl of PEMBROOKE*, and Earl of Sussex their seruants.
. London: Printed by Iohn Danter, and are to be sold by
. Edward White & Thomas Millington, at the little North
. (DOORe) of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1594.>>
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving.
I had taken down a little thick quarto, curiously
bound in parchment, with brass *CLASPS*, and seated
myself at the table in a venerable elbow-chair.
While I sat half-murmuring, half-meditating, these unprofitable
speculations with my head resting on my hand, I was thrumming
with the other hand upon the quarto, until I accidentally
loosened the *CLASPS*; when, to my utter astonishment, the
little book gave two or three yawns, like one awaking from
a *DEEP* sleep, then a husky hem, and at length began to talk.
"My very good sir," said the little quarto, yawning most drearily
in my face, "excuse my interrupting you, but I perceive you are
rather given to prose. I would ask the fate of an author who
was making some noise just as I left the world. His reputation,
however, was considered quite temporary. The learned shook their
heads at him, for he was a poor, half-educated varlet, that knew
little of Latin, and nothing of Greek, and had been obliged
to run the country for deer-stealing. I think his name was
*SHAKESPEARE*. I presume he soon sunk into oblivion."
"On the contrary," said I, "it is owing to that *VERy man* that
the literature of his period has experienced a duration beyond the
ordinary term of English literature. There rise authors now and
then who seem proof against the mutability of language because
they have rooted themselves in the unchanging principles of
human nature. They are like gigantic trees that we sometimes
see on the banks of a stream, which by their vast and *DEEP* roots,
penetrating through the mere surface and laying hold on the VERy
foundations of the earth, preserve the soil around them from
being swept away by the EVER-flowing current, and hold up many
a neighboring plant, and perhaps WORTHless WEED, to perpetuity.
Such is the case with Shakespeare, whom we behold defying the
encroachments of time, retaining in modern use the language and
literature of his day, and giving duration to many an indifferent
author, merely from having flourished in his vicinity. But even
he, I grieve to say, is gradually assuming the tint of age,
and his whole form is overrun by a profusion of commentators,
who, like clambering vines and creepers, almost
*bury the NOBLE plant* that upholds them."
{W}hat (D)reary waste{S} of m(E)taphysics! H[E]re a(N)d there o(N)ly
[D]o we behold th(E) he[A]ven-illumine(D) ba[R|D)s, elevated like
[B|E)acons on their w[I|D)ely-separated h[E|I)ghts, to transmit
(T)he pure light of poetical intelligence from age to age."
I was just about to launch *FORTH* into eulogiums upon the poets
of the day, when the sudden opening of the (DOOR) caused me to
turn my head. It was the VERgEr, who came to inform me that
it was time to close the library. I sought to have a parting
word with the quarto, but the worthy little tome was silent;
the *CLASPS* were closed: and it looked perfectly
unconscious of all that had passed.
. . . . . <= 15 =>
. {W} h. a t(D)r e a r y w a s t e
. {S} o. f m(E)t a p h y s i c s!H
. [E] r. e a(N)d t h e r e o(N)l y
. [D] o. w e b e h o l d t h(E)h e
. [A] v. e n-i l l u m i n e(D)b a
. [R](D) s,e l e v a t e d l i k e
. [B](E) a c o n s o n t h e i r w
. [I](D) e l y-s e p a r a t e d h
. [E](I) g h t s,t o t r a n s m i
. .t.(T) h e p u r e l i g h t o f
. .p. o. e t i c a l i n t e l l i
. .g. e. n c e f r o m a g e t o a
. .g. e.
(NED) -15,15 : Prob. both in array ~ 1 in 150
(DEDIT) 15 : He gave (Latin)
[{W.S.} E.DARBIE] 15
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
Art Neuendorffer
Peter Nockolds's profile photo
2 of 45607
My Volumes light?
Arthur Neuendorffer's profile photo
Arthur Neuendorffer
May 17, 2021, 3:00:54 PM (2 days ago)
Donald Cameron wrote: > From the long history of Art's posts, one learns that he has been into
Peter Nockolds's profile photo
Peter Nockolds
May 17, 2021, 4:26:18 PM (2 days ago)
On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 8:00:54 PM UTC+1, *** wrote: > Donald Cameron wrote: >
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Arthur Neuendorffer's profile photo
Arthur Neuendorffer
May 17, 2021, 11:38:50 PM (yesterday)
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Well that's two leads Art gave me which he's renounced. It's a bit like me coming to be an Oxfordian through studying a cipher. I now have doubts about the cipher but am still for now an Oxfordian. Studying the cipher meant that I was able to consider the hypothesis that E of O didn't die on 24/6/1603 which I'd not previously wanted to consider because it seemed just one more level of conspiracy.>>
. The claim is that Oxford died on mid-summer: 24/6/1604
. a half year before his daughter Susan married Philip
. Herbert at the royal court on mid-winter: 27/12/1604.
(It seemed a good time to come out with _Hamlet_ Q2 (1604).)
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<I think most of Art's ELSs are meaningless.>>
If the ELS depend's *primarily* upon someone's personal
obsession with Oxford (or the number 63) then I agree.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<It helps if you can show why the particular skip interval is significant. The APE at 62 doesn't interest me, it's the POETS at 63, 63 has quite a history.>>
There you go again: "63 has quite a history."
I have no idea what that means or how it is relevant.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<T Lodge sounds quite Masonic.>>
*THOMAS LODGE* seems to be a real person:
david kathman wrote:
<<In 1596, *THOMAS LODGE* in his *WITS MISERy* mentioned
. the "ghost which cried so MISERably at the Theatre,
. *like an OISTER-WIFE*, 'HAMlet, REVEnge'.">>
<<THOMAS LODGE (1558 - September 1625) was an English dramatist.
. He was born at West HAM, the second son of Sir *THOMAS LODGE*,
. who was Lord Mayor of the City of London in 1562-1563.
Young Thomas served as *PAGE* to the Stanleys, {E}arles of {DARBIE},
. until approximately 1571, when he enrolled in the
. Merchant-Taylors' School. From there he went on to
, Trinity College, Oxford, where he took his degree in 1577.>>
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Any suggestions why 11 might be significant?>>
Not really... however, there is this:
. Rosalynde (1590) by *THOMAS LODGE*
_Phoebe's Sonnet, a Reply to Montanus' Passion_
. When Love was first begot,
. And by the *moVER's WILL*
. Did fall to human lot
. His solace to fulfil,
. Devoid of all deceit,
. A chaste and holy fire
. Did quick[E]n man's conce[I]t,
. And women's [B]reast inspi[R]e.
. The gods th[A]t saw the goo[D]
. That mortal{S} did approve,
.{W}ith kind and holy mood
. Began to talk of Love.
. . . . . <= 11 =>
. D i d q u i c k [E] n m
. a n's c o n c e [I] t,A
. n d w o m e n's [B] r e
. a s t i n s p i [R] e.T
. h e g o d s t h [A] t s
. a w t h e g o o [D] T h
. a t m o r t a l {S} d i
. d a p p r o v e,{W} i t
. h k i n d a n d .h. o l
. y m o o d
[{W.S.} DARBIE] -11 : Prob. in song ~ 1 in 3,650,000
. But during this accord,
. A wonder *STRANGE* to hear,
. Whilst Love in deed and word
. Most faithful did appear,
. False-semblance came in place,
. By Jealousy attended,
. And with a double face
. Both love and fancy blended;
. Which made the gods forsake,
. And men from fancy fly,
. And maidens scorn a make,
. Forsooth, and so *WILL I*.
If you grace me with that favor, you encourage
me to be more forward; and as soon as I have
overlooked my labors, expect the Sailor's Calendar.
<<*SILEXEDRA* at Fisher’s Folly of Bishopsgate was Edward de
Vere’s little writing factory full of his early band of frontmen.
This period lasted 1580-88/91. The *SILEXEDRA* motley crew included:
• [T]homas [LODGE] – “Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacy, Found After
.. His Death In His Cell At *SILEXEDRA*” (based on As You Like It).
.<<Lodge would later reminisce about the Silexedra years in his novel
. Euphues's Shadow. In a prefatory epistle to the book, Lodge noted
. how “Euphues repent the prime of his youth misspent in *FOLLY* and
. virtuously end the winter of his age in *SILEXEDRA*.>> - Mark Anderson
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
. From Lansdowne MS.(777) TEMP. James I.
. On Mr. Wm. Shakespeare
. Renowned Spencer lye a thought more nye
. To learned Chaucer, and rare Beaumond lye
. A little neerer Spenser, to make roome
. For *SHAK{E}SPEARE* in your threefold, fowerfol{D} Tombe.
.(To LODGE) all fowre in one bed m{A}ke a shift
. Untill Doomesdaye, for ha{R}dly will a sift
. Betwixt ys day and yt {B}y *FATE* be slayne,
. For whom your Curta{I}nes may be drawn againe.
. If yoUr prec{E}dency in death doth barre
. A *FOURTH* place in your sacred sepulcher,
. Under this carved marble of thine owne,
. Sleepe, rare Tragœdian, Shakespeare, sleep alone;
. Thy unmolested peace unshared Cave,
. Possesse as Lord, not Tenant, of thy Grave,
. That unto us & others it may be
. Honor hereafter to be layde by thee.
- . . Wm. Basse
. . . . . <= 30 =>
. For *SHAK {E} SPEARE* i nyour. threefoldf
. owe .rfol {D} TOMBE (To LODGE) allfowrein
. one .bedm {A} keash .if tUnti. llDoomesda
. yef .orha {R} dlywi .ll asift. Betwixtysd
. aya .ndyt {B} yFATE .be slayn. eForwhomyo
. urC .urta {I} nesma .yb edraw. nagaineIfy
. oUr .prec {E} dency .in death. dothbarreA
. FOU .RTHp .l. acEin .yo ursac. redsepulcher
{E.DARBIE} 30 : Prob. ~ 1 in 10,300
<<The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus
As it was plaide by the right honourable the {E}arle of {DARBIE},
. *Earl of PEMBROOKE*, and Earl of Sussex their seruants.
. London: Printed by Iohn Danter, and are to be sold by
. Edward White & Thomas Millington, at the little North
. (DOORe) of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1594.>>
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving.
I had taken down a little thick quarto, curiously
bound in parchment, with brass *CLASPS*, and seated
myself at the table in a venerable elbow-chair.
While I sat half-murmuring, half-meditating, these unprofitable
speculations with my head resting on my hand, I was thrumming
with the other hand upon the quarto, until I accidentally
loosened the *CLASPS*; when, to my utter astonishment, the
little book gave two or three yawns, like one awaking from
a *DEEP* sleep, then a husky hem, and at length began to talk.
"My very good sir," said the little quarto, yawning most drearily
in my face, "excuse my interrupting you, but I perceive you are
rather given to prose. I would ask the fate of an author who
was making some noise just as I left the world. His reputation,
however, was considered quite temporary. The learned shook their
heads at him, for he was a poor, half-educated varlet, that knew
little of Latin, and nothing of Greek, and had been obliged
to run the country for deer-stealing. I think his name was
*SHAKESPEARE*. I presume he soon sunk into oblivion."
"On the contrary," said I, "it is owing to that *VERy man* that
the literature of his period has experienced a duration beyond the
ordinary term of English literature. There rise authors now and
then who seem proof against the mutability of language because
they have rooted themselves in the unchanging principles of
human nature. They are like gigantic trees that we sometimes
see on the banks of a stream, which by their vast and *DEEP* roots,
penetrating through the mere surface and laying hold on the VERy
foundations of the earth, preserve the soil around them from
being swept away by the EVER-flowing current, and hold up many
a neighboring plant, and perhaps WORTHless WEED, to perpetuity.
Such is the case with Shakespeare, whom we behold defying the
encroachments of time, retaining in modern use the language and
literature of his day, and giving duration to many an indifferent
author, merely from having flourished in his vicinity. But even
he, I grieve to say, is gradually assuming the tint of age,
and his whole form is overrun by a profusion of commentators,
who, like clambering vines and creepers, almost
*bury the NOBLE plant* that upholds them."
{W}hat (D)reary waste{S} of m(E)taphysics! H[E]re a(N)d there o(N)ly
[D]o we behold th(E) he[A]ven-illumine(D) ba[R|D)s, elevated like
[B|E)acons on their w[I|D)ely-separated h[E|I)ghts, to transmit
(T)he pure light of poetical intelligence from age to age."
I was just about to launch *FORTH* into eulogiums upon the poets
of the day, when the sudden opening of the (DOOR) caused me to
turn my head. It was the VERgEr, who came to inform me that
it was time to close the library. I sought to have a parting
word with the quarto, but the worthy little tome was silent;
the *CLASPS* were closed: and it looked perfectly
unconscious of all that had passed.
. . . . . <= 15 =>
. {W} h. a t(D)r e a r y w a s t e
. {S} o. f m(E)t a p h y s i c s!H
. [E] r. e a(N)d t h e r e o(N)l y
. [D] o. w e b e h o l d t h(E)h e
. [A] v. e n-i l l u m i n e(D)b a
. [R](D) s,e l e v a t e d l i k e
. [B](E) a c o n s o n t h e i r w
. [I](D) e l y-s e p a r a t e d h
. [E](I) g h t s,t o t r a n s m i
. .t.(T) h e p u r e l i g h t o f
. .p. o. e t i c a l i n t e l l i
. .g. e. n c e f r o m a g e t o a
. .g. e.
(NED) -15,15 : Prob. both in array ~ 1 in 150
(DEDIT) 15 : He gave (Latin)
[{W.S.} E.DARBIE] 15
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<I am interested in Rollet's HENRY at skip 15 in the Sonnets
dedication because Henry Prince of Wales was 15 at the time.>>
Rollet's "HENRY" is significant... and clearly relates to Wriothesely.
The man in all (HEWS):
. (H)enry (W)riothesely,
. (E)arl of (S)outhampton:
shows up multiple times in the First Folio!!
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences of
Has an impressive random probability of ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
. . THAT's STATISTICS!!! not "Truthiness"
Art Neuendorffer
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Any suggestions why 11 might be significant?>>
Not really... however, there is this:
. Rosalynde (1590) by *THOMAS LODGE*
_Phoebe's Sonnet, a Reply to Montanus' Passion_
. When Love was first begot,
. And by the *moVER's WILL*
. Did fall to human lot
. His solace to fulfil,
. Devoid of all deceit,
. A chaste and holy fire
. Did quick[E]n man's conce[I]t,
. And women's [B]reast inspi[R]e.
. The gods th[A]t saw the goo[D]
. That mortal{S} did approve,
.{W}ith kind and holy mood
. Began to talk of Love.
. . . . . <= 11 =>
. D i d q u i c k [E] n m
. a n's c o n c e [I] t,A
. n d w o m e n's [B] r e
. a s t i n s p i [R] e.T
. h e g o d s t h [A] t s
. a w t h e g o o [D] T h
. a t m o r t a l {S} d i
. d a p p r o v e,{W} i t
. h k i n d a n d .h. o l
. y m o o d
[{W.S.} DARBIE] -11 : Prob. in song ~ 1 in 3,650,000
. But during this accord,
. A wonder *STRANGE* to hear,
. Whilst Love in deed and word
. Most faithful did appear,
. False-semblance came in place,
. By Jealousy attended,
. And with a double face
. Both love and fancy blended;
. Which made the gods forsake,
. And men from fancy fly,
. And maidens scorn a make,
. Forsooth, and so *WILL I*.
If you grace me with that favor, you encourage
me to be more forward; and as soon as I have
overlooked my labors, expect the Sailor's Calendar.
<<*SILEXEDRA* at Fisher’s Folly of Bishopsgate was Edward de
Vere’s little writing factory full of his early band of frontmen.
This period lasted 1580-88/91. The *SILEXEDRA* motley crew included:
• [T]homas [LODGE] – “Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacy, Found After
.. His Death In His Cell At *SILEXEDRA*” (based on As You Like It).
.<<Lodge would later reminisce about the Silexedra years in his novel
. Euphues's Shadow. In a prefatory epistle to the book, Lodge noted
. how “Euphues repent the prime of his youth misspent in *FOLLY* and
. virtuously end the winter of his age in *SILEXEDRA*.>> - Mark Anderson
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
. From Lansdowne MS.(777) TEMP. James I.
. On Mr. Wm. Shakespeare
. Renowned Spencer lye a thought more nye
. To learned Chaucer, and rare Beaumond lye
. A little neerer Spenser, to make roome
. For *SHAK{E}SPEARE* in your threefold, fowerfol{D} Tombe.
.(To LODGE) all fowre in one bed m{A}ke a shift
. Untill Doomesdaye, for ha{R}dly will a sift
. Betwixt ys day and yt {B}y *FATE* be slayne,
. For whom your Curta{I}nes may be drawn againe.
. If yoUr prec{E}dency in death doth barre
. A *FOURTH* place in your sacred sepulcher,
. Under this carved marble of thine owne,
. Sleepe, rare Tragœdian, Shakespeare, sleep alone;
. Thy unmolested peace unshared Cave,
. Possesse as Lord, not Tenant, of thy Grave,
. That unto us & others it may be
. Honor hereafter to be layde by thee.
- . . Wm. Basse
. . . . . <= 30 =>
. For *SHAK {E} SPEARE* i nyour. threefoldf
. owe .rfol {D} TOMBE (To LODGE) allfowrein
. one .bedm {A} keash .if tUnti. llDoomesda
. yef .orha {R} dlywi .ll asift. Betwixtysd
. aya .ndyt {B} yFATE .be slayn. eForwhomyo
. urC .urta {I} nesma .yb edraw. nagaineIfy
. oUr .prec {E} dency .in death. dothbarreA
. FOU .RTHp .l. acEin .yo ursac. redsepulcher
{E.DARBIE} 30 : Prob. ~ 1 in 10,300
<<The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus
As it was plaide by the right honourable the {E}arle of {DARBIE},
. *Earl of PEMBROOKE*, and Earl of Sussex their seruants.
. London: Printed by Iohn Danter, and are to be sold by
. Edward White & Thomas Millington, at the little North
. (DOORe) of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1594.>>
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving.
I had taken down a little thick quarto, curiously
bound in parchment, with brass *CLASPS*, and seated
myself at the table in a venerable elbow-chair.
While I sat half-murmuring, half-meditating, these unprofitable
speculations with my head resting on my hand, I was thrumming
with the other hand upon the quarto, until I accidentally
loosened the *CLASPS*; when, to my utter astonishment, the
little book gave two or three yawns, like one awaking from
a *DEEP* sleep, then a husky hem, and at length began to talk.
"My very good sir," said the little quarto, yawning most drearily
in my face, "excuse my interrupting you, but I perceive you are
rather given to prose. I would ask the fate of an author who
was making some noise just as I left the world. His reputation,
however, was considered quite temporary. The learned shook their
heads at him, for he was a poor, half-educated varlet, that knew
little of Latin, and nothing of Greek, and had been obliged
to run the country for deer-stealing. I think his name was
*SHAKESPEARE*. I presume he soon sunk into oblivion."
"On the contrary," said I, "it is owing to that *VERy man* that
the literature of his period has experienced a duration beyond the
ordinary term of English literature. There rise authors now and
then who seem proof against the mutability of language because
they have rooted themselves in the unchanging principles of
human nature. They are like gigantic trees that we sometimes
see on the banks of a stream, which by their vast and *DEEP* roots,
penetrating through the mere surface and laying hold on the VERy
foundations of the earth, preserve the soil around them from
being swept away by the EVER-flowing current, and hold up many
a neighboring plant, and perhaps WORTHless WEED, to perpetuity.
Such is the case with Shakespeare, whom we behold defying the
encroachments of time, retaining in modern use the language and
literature of his day, and giving duration to many an indifferent
author, merely from having flourished in his vicinity. But even
he, I grieve to say, is gradually assuming the tint of age,
and his whole form is overrun by a profusion of commentators,
who, like clambering vines and creepers, almost
*bury the NOBLE plant* that upholds them."
{W}hat (D)reary waste{S} of m(E)taphysics! H[E]re a(N)d there o(N)ly
[D]o we behold th(E) he[A]ven-illumine(D) ba[R|D)s, elevated like
[B|E)acons on their w[I|D)ely-separated h[E|I)ghts, to transmit
(T)he pure light of poetical intelligence from age to age."
I was just about to launch *FORTH* into eulogiums upon the poets
of the day, when the sudden opening of the (DOOR) caused me to
turn my head. It was the VERgEr, who came to inform me that
it was time to close the library. I sought to have a parting
word with the quarto, but the worthy little tome was silent;
the *CLASPS* were closed: and it looked perfectly
unconscious of all that had passed.
. . . . . <= 15 =>
. {W} h. a t(D)r e a r y w a s t e
. {S} o. f m(E)t a p h y s i c s!H
. [E] r. e a(N)d t h e r e o(N)l y
. [D] o. w e b e h o l d t h(E)h e
. [A] v. e n-i l l u m i n e(D)b a
. [R](D) s,e l e v a t e d l i k e
. [B](E) a c o n s o n t h e i r w
. [I](D) e l y-s e p a r a t e d h
. [E](I) g h t s,t o t r a n s m i
. .t.(T) h e p u r e l i g h t o f
. .p. o. e t i c a l i n t e l l i
. .g. e. n c e f r o m a g e t o a
. .g. e.
(NED) -15,15 : Prob. both in array ~ 1 in 150
(DEDIT) 15 : He gave (Latin)
[{W.S.} E.DARBIE] 15
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
Art Neuendorffer
Peter Nockolds's profile photo
2 of 45607
My Volumes light?
Arthur Neuendorffer's profile photo
Arthur Neuendorffer
May 17, 2021, 3:00:54 PM (2 days ago)
Donald Cameron wrote: > From the long history of Art's posts, one learns that he has been into
Peter Nockolds's profile photo
Peter Nockolds
May 17, 2021, 4:26:18 PM (2 days ago)
On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 8:00:54 PM UTC+1, *** wrote: > Donald Cameron wrote: >
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Arthur Neuendorffer's profile photo
Arthur Neuendorffer
May 17, 2021, 11:38:50 PM (yesterday)
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Well that's two leads Art gave me which he's renounced. It's a bit like me coming to be an Oxfordian through studying a cipher. I now have doubts about the cipher but am still for now an Oxfordian. Studying the cipher meant that I was able to consider the hypothesis that E of O didn't die on 24/6/1603 which I'd not previously wanted to consider because it seemed just one more level of conspiracy.>>
. The claim is that Oxford died on mid-summer: 24/6/1604
. a half year before his daughter Susan married Philip
. Herbert at the royal court on mid-winter: 27/12/1604.
(It seemed a good time to come out with _Hamlet_ Q2 (1604).)
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<I think most of Art's ELSs are meaningless.>>
If the ELS depend's *primarily* upon someone's personal
obsession with Oxford (or the number 63) then I agree.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<It helps if you can show why the particular skip interval is significant. The APE at 62 doesn't interest me, it's the POETS at 63, 63 has quite a history.>>
There you go again: "63 has quite a history."
I have no idea what that means or how it is relevant.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<T Lodge sounds quite Masonic.>>
*THOMAS LODGE* seems to be a real person:
david kathman wrote:
<<In 1596, *THOMAS LODGE* in his *WITS MISERy* mentioned
. the "ghost which cried so MISERably at the Theatre,
. *like an OISTER-WIFE*, 'HAMlet, REVEnge'.">>
<<THOMAS LODGE (1558 - September 1625) was an English dramatist.
. He was born at West HAM, the second son of Sir *THOMAS LODGE*,
. who was Lord Mayor of the City of London in 1562-1563.
Young Thomas served as *PAGE* to the Stanleys, {E}arles of {DARBIE},
. until approximately 1571, when he enrolled in the
. Merchant-Taylors' School. From there he went on to
, Trinity College, Oxford, where he took his degree in 1577.>>
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Any suggestions why 11 might be significant?>>
Not really... however, there is this:
. Rosalynde (1590) by *THOMAS LODGE*
_Phoebe's Sonnet, a Reply to Montanus' Passion_
. When Love was first begot,
. And by the *moVER's WILL*
. Did fall to human lot
. His solace to fulfil,
. Devoid of all deceit,
. A chaste and holy fire
. Did quick[E]n man's conce[I]t,
. And women's [B]reast inspi[R]e.
. The gods th[A]t saw the goo[D]
. That mortal{S} did approve,
.{W}ith kind and holy mood
. Began to talk of Love.
. . . . . <= 11 =>
. D i d q u i c k [E] n m
. a n's c o n c e [I] t,A
. n d w o m e n's [B] r e
. a s t i n s p i [R] e.T
. h e g o d s t h [A] t s
. a w t h e g o o [D] T h
. a t m o r t a l {S} d i
. d a p p r o v e,{W} i t
. h k i n d a n d .h. o l
. y m o o d
[{W.S.} DARBIE] -11 : Prob. in song ~ 1 in 3,650,000
. But during this accord,
. A wonder *STRANGE* to hear,
. Whilst Love in deed and word
. Most faithful did appear,
. False-semblance came in place,
. By Jealousy attended,
. And with a double face
. Both love and fancy blended;
. Which made the gods forsake,
. And men from fancy fly,
. And maidens scorn a make,
. Forsooth, and so *WILL I*.
If you grace me with that favor, you encourage
me to be more forward; and as soon as I have
overlooked my labors, expect the Sailor's Calendar.
<<*SILEXEDRA* at Fisher’s Folly of Bishopsgate was Edward de
Vere’s little writing factory full of his early band of frontmen.
This period lasted 1580-88/91. The *SILEXEDRA* motley crew included:
• [T]homas [LODGE] – “Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacy, Found After
.. His Death In His Cell At *SILEXEDRA*” (based on As You Like It).
.<<Lodge would later reminisce about the Silexedra years in his novel
. Euphues's Shadow. In a prefatory epistle to the book, Lodge noted
. how “Euphues repent the prime of his youth misspent in *FOLLY* and
. virtuously end the winter of his age in *SILEXEDRA*.>> - Mark Anderson
. Henry IV, Part 1 (Q1, 1598) Act I, scene iii
EARL OF WORCESTER: Peace coosen, say no more.
. And to your quicke conce{I}uing discontents
. Ile rea{D|E] you matter deepe and daun[G]erous,
. As full of perill an[D] aduenterous spirit,
. As to [O]rewalke a Current roring [L]owd,
. On the vnstedfast foo[T]ing of a *SPEARE*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . <= 22 =>
. *U N C L A S P E a S E C R E T B O O {K} E* A n
. .d t o y o u r q u i c k e c o n c e {I} u. i n
. .g d i s c o n t e n t s I l e r e a {D}[E] y o
. .u m a t t e r d e e p e a n d d a u. n [G] e r
. .o u s,A s f u l l o f p e r i l l a. n [D] a d
. .u e n t e r o u s s p i r i t,A s t. o [O] r e
. .w a l k e a C u r r e n t r o r i n. g [L] o w
. .d,O n t h e v n s t e d f a s t f o. o [T] i n
. .g o f a*S P E A R E*.
{KID}. . . 22 : Or sporting {KID}, or Marlowes mighty line.
[T.LODGE] -22 (one of 6 *SPEARE*s) (only *SECRET BOOKE*)
. From Lansdowne MS.(777) TEMP. James I.
. On Mr. Wm. Shakespeare
. Renowned Spencer lye a thought more nye
. To learned Chaucer, and rare Beaumond lye
. A little neerer Spenser, to make roome
. For *SHAK{E}SPEARE* in your threefold, fowerfol{D} Tombe.
.(To LODGE) all fowre in one bed m{A}ke a shift
. Untill Doomesdaye, for ha{R}dly will a sift
. Betwixt ys day and yt {B}y *FATE* be slayne,
. For whom your Curta{I}nes may be drawn againe.
. If yoUr prec{E}dency in death doth barre
. A *FOURTH* place in your sacred sepulcher,
. Under this carved marble of thine owne,
. Sleepe, rare Tragœdian, Shakespeare, sleep alone;
. Thy unmolested peace unshared Cave,
. Possesse as Lord, not Tenant, of thy Grave,
. That unto us & others it may be
. Honor hereafter to be layde by thee.
- . . Wm. Basse
. . . . . <= 30 =>
. For *SHAK {E} SPEARE* i nyour. threefoldf
. owe .rfol {D} TOMBE (To LODGE) allfowrein
. one .bedm {A} keash .if tUnti. llDoomesda
. yef .orha {R} dlywi .ll asift. Betwixtysd
. aya .ndyt {B} yFATE .be slayn. eForwhomyo
. urC .urta {I} nesma .yb edraw. nagaineIfy
. oUr .prec {E} dency .in death. dothbarreA
. FOU .RTHp .l. acEin .yo ursac. redsepulcher
{E.DARBIE} 30 : Prob. ~ 1 in 10,300
<<The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus
As it was plaide by the right honourable the {E}arle of {DARBIE},
. *Earl of PEMBROOKE*, and Earl of Sussex their seruants.
. London: Printed by Iohn Danter, and are to be sold by
. Edward White & Thomas Millington, at the little North
. (DOORe) of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1594.>>
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. by Washington Irving.
I had taken down a little thick quarto, curiously
bound in parchment, with brass *CLASPS*, and seated
myself at the table in a venerable elbow-chair.
While I sat half-murmuring, half-meditating, these unprofitable
speculations with my head resting on my hand, I was thrumming
with the other hand upon the quarto, until I accidentally
loosened the *CLASPS*; when, to my utter astonishment, the
little book gave two or three yawns, like one awaking from
a *DEEP* sleep, then a husky hem, and at length began to talk.
"My very good sir," said the little quarto, yawning most drearily
in my face, "excuse my interrupting you, but I perceive you are
rather given to prose. I would ask the fate of an author who
was making some noise just as I left the world. His reputation,
however, was considered quite temporary. The learned shook their
heads at him, for he was a poor, half-educated varlet, that knew
little of Latin, and nothing of Greek, and had been obliged
to run the country for deer-stealing. I think his name was
*SHAKESPEARE*. I presume he soon sunk into oblivion."
"On the contrary," said I, "it is owing to that *VERy man* that
the literature of his period has experienced a duration beyond the
ordinary term of English literature. There rise authors now and
then who seem proof against the mutability of language because
they have rooted themselves in the unchanging principles of
human nature. They are like gigantic trees that we sometimes
see on the banks of a stream, which by their vast and *DEEP* roots,
penetrating through the mere surface and laying hold on the VERy
foundations of the earth, preserve the soil around them from
being swept away by the EVER-flowing current, and hold up many
a neighboring plant, and perhaps WORTHless WEED, to perpetuity.
Such is the case with Shakespeare, whom we behold defying the
encroachments of time, retaining in modern use the language and
literature of his day, and giving duration to many an indifferent
author, merely from having flourished in his vicinity. But even
he, I grieve to say, is gradually assuming the tint of age,
and his whole form is overrun by a profusion of commentators,
who, like clambering vines and creepers, almost
*bury the NOBLE plant* that upholds them."
{W}hat (D)reary waste{S} of m(E)taphysics! H[E]re a(N)d there o(N)ly
[D]o we behold th(E) he[A]ven-illumine(D) ba[R|D)s, elevated like
[B|E)acons on their w[I|D)ely-separated h[E|I)ghts, to transmit
(T)he pure light of poetical intelligence from age to age."
I was just about to launch *FORTH* into eulogiums upon the poets
of the day, when the sudden opening of the (DOOR) caused me to
turn my head. It was the VERgEr, who came to inform me that
it was time to close the library. I sought to have a parting
word with the quarto, but the worthy little tome was silent;
the *CLASPS* were closed: and it looked perfectly
unconscious of all that had passed.
. . . . . <= 15 =>
. {W} h. a t(D)r e a r y w a s t e
. {S} o. f m(E)t a p h y s i c s!H
. [E] r. e a(N)d t h e r e o(N)l y
. [D] o. w e b e h o l d t h(E)h e
. [A] v. e n-i l l u m i n e(D)b a
. [R](D) s,e l e v a t e d l i k e
. [B](E) a c o n s o n t h e i r w
. [I](D) e l y-s e p a r a t e d h
. [E](I) g h t s,t o t r a n s m i
. .t.(T) h e p u r e l i g h t o f
. .p. o. e t i c a l i n t e l l i
. .g. e. n c e f r o m a g e t o a
. .g. e.
(NED) -15,15 : Prob. both in array ~ 1 in 150
(DEDIT) 15 : He gave (Latin)
[{W.S.} E.DARBIE] 15
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<I am interested in Rollet's HENRY at skip 15 in the Sonnets
dedication because Henry Prince of Wales was 15 at the time.>>
Rollet's "HENRY" is significant... and clearly relates to Wriothesely.
The man in all (HEWS):
. (H)enry (W)riothesely,
. (E)arl of (S)outhampton:
shows up multiple times in the First Folio!!
Prob. of [{W.S.} E.DARBIE] in last 2 sentences of
Has an impressive random probability of ~ 1 in 57,000,000.
. . THAT's STATISTICS!!! not "Truthiness"
Art Neuendorffer