Arthur Neuendorffer
2021-05-20 03:38:18 UTC
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<I assume you post your ELSs here as a record for posterity.>>
It is my *searchable* card file
that also hopefully catches someones attention.
It also serves as a dateable record for posterity.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Obviously it's possible to write using ELSs but I think difficult to write good poetry or prose incorporating and ELS, have you tried?>>
There are numerous examples of Jacobians writing *acrostic*
poetry; why would ELS poetry or prose be any harder?
<<*BAXTER* High is the secondary school in Greendale.
. . Baxter High is in open competition with
. [Archie Andrews]'s Riverdale High School.>>
. 'Sidney's Ouriana' (1606) by Nathaniel *BAXTER*
, Dedication poem:
. To the Right Noble, and Honorable
. Lady Susan *VERA MONG(omrian)A.*
[V] (A) liant whilome t[H]e *PRINC[E]* that ba[R]e this M[O]t,
[E] (NG.) ra{V}ed round about his *GOLDEN RING* :
[R] (O) aming in VENICE er{E} thou wast begot,
[A] (MONG.) the Gallants of th'Italian sp{R}ING.
[N] (E) [VER O]mitting what mi(G)ht pastime bRING,
[I] (T) ali{A|N) sports, and Syrens Melodie:
[H] (O) pp(I)ng Helena with he(R) warbling sting,
[I] (N) fested th'Albanian dignitie,
[L] (I) ke as they poysoned all Italie.
[V] (I) gilant then th'eternall majestie
[E] (N) thraled soules to free from infamie:
[R] (E) memb(RING) thy sacred {V}irginitie,
[I] (N) duced us to make speedie r{E}paire,
[U] (N) to thy moth[ER EVE]rlasting fai{R}e,
[S] (O) did this Prince begette thee *debon{A}ire*.
[HERO] 7 : Prob. in first line ~ 1 in 190
{VERA} 43,33 : Prob. of 2 ~ 1 in 70
[gematria value of {VERA} = 43]
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<It may be quite difficult to show why anyone would create an ELS as well.>>
1) For the same reason Jacobians wrote *acrostic* poetry.
2) As a hidden record for posterity.
. The Original 1590 quarto edition!
The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia,
. written by Sir Philippe [SIDNEI].
*125* is the gematric number, being the sum of the English
characters for PHILIP SIDNEI = [(15+8+9+11+9+15)+(18+9+4+13+5+9)]
. . . . . Sonnet *125*
. WEr't ought to me I "bore the canopy",
. With my extern the outward honoring,
. Or layd great bases {For} eternity,
. Which proues more [S]hort then wast or ruining?
. Haue [I] not seene dwellers on forme an[D] fauor
. Lose all,and more by payi[N]g too much rent
. For compound sw[E]et;Forgoing simple sauor,
. Pitt[I]full thriuors in their gazing spent.
. Noe,let me be obsequious in thy heart,
. And take thou my oblacion,poore but free,
. Which is not mixt with seconds,knows no art,
. But mutuall render onely me for thee.
. Hence,thou subbornd Informer, a trew soule
. When most impeacht,stands least in thy controule.
. . . . . <= *26* =>
. {F o r} e t e r n i t y,W h i c h p r o u e s m o r e
. [S] h o r t t h e n w a s t o r r u i n i n g?H a u e
. [I] n o t s e e n e d w e l l e r s o n f o r m e a n
. [D] f a u o r L o s e a l l,a n d m o r e b y p a y i
. [N] g t o o m u c h r e n t F o r c o m p o u n d s w
. [E] e t;F o r g o i n g s i m p l e s a u o r,P i t t
. [I] f u l l t h r i u o r s i n t h e i r g a z i n g
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* : starting in 3rd line.
. . . . . Sonnet 47
. BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke,
. And each doth good turnes now vnto the other,
. When that mine eye is famisht {For} a looke,
. Or heart in loue with [S]ighes himselfe doth smother;
. W[I]th my loues picture then my eye [D]oth feast,
. And to the painted ba[N]quet bids my heart:
. An other tim[E] mine eye is my hearts guest,
. And [I]n his thoughts of loue doth share a part.
. So either by thy picture or my loue,
. Thy seife away,are present still with me,
. For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue,
. And I am still with them,and they with thee.
. Or if they sleepe, thy picture in my sight
. Awakes my heart,to hearts and eyes delight.
. . . . . <= *26* =>
. {F o r} a l o o k e,O r h e a r t i n l o u e w i t h
. [S] i g h e s h i m s e l f e d o t h s m o t h e r;W
. [I] t h m y l o u e s p i c t u r e t h e n m y e y e
. [D] o t h f e a s t,A n d t o t h e p a i n t e d b a
. [N] q u e t b i d s m y h e a r t:A n o t h e r t i m
. [E] m i n e e y e i s m y h e a r t s g u e s t,A n d
. [I] n h i s t h o u g h t s
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* : starting in 3rd line.
Prob. of 2{For}[SIDNEI]s same skip ~ 1 in 34,000,000
Shortest {For}[SIDNEI] skip in KJV : 869
Shortest {For}[SIDNEI] skip in Moby Dick : 2818
. . . . . . . . *26* days
<<[Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 - 17 October 1586)]
joined Sir John Norris in the Battle of Zutphen, fighting for
the Protestant cause against the Spanish. During the battle,
he was shot in the thigh & died of gangrene *26* days later.>>
Art N.
<<I assume you post your ELSs here as a record for posterity.>>
It is my *searchable* card file
that also hopefully catches someones attention.
It also serves as a dateable record for posterity.
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<Obviously it's possible to write using ELSs but I think difficult to write good poetry or prose incorporating and ELS, have you tried?>>
There are numerous examples of Jacobians writing *acrostic*
poetry; why would ELS poetry or prose be any harder?
<<*BAXTER* High is the secondary school in Greendale.
. . Baxter High is in open competition with
. [Archie Andrews]'s Riverdale High School.>>
. 'Sidney's Ouriana' (1606) by Nathaniel *BAXTER*
, Dedication poem:
. To the Right Noble, and Honorable
. Lady Susan *VERA MONG(omrian)A.*
[V] (A) liant whilome t[H]e *PRINC[E]* that ba[R]e this M[O]t,
[E] (NG.) ra{V}ed round about his *GOLDEN RING* :
[R] (O) aming in VENICE er{E} thou wast begot,
[A] (MONG.) the Gallants of th'Italian sp{R}ING.
[N] (E) [VER O]mitting what mi(G)ht pastime bRING,
[I] (T) ali{A|N) sports, and Syrens Melodie:
[H] (O) pp(I)ng Helena with he(R) warbling sting,
[I] (N) fested th'Albanian dignitie,
[L] (I) ke as they poysoned all Italie.
[V] (I) gilant then th'eternall majestie
[E] (N) thraled soules to free from infamie:
[R] (E) memb(RING) thy sacred {V}irginitie,
[I] (N) duced us to make speedie r{E}paire,
[U] (N) to thy moth[ER EVE]rlasting fai{R}e,
[S] (O) did this Prince begette thee *debon{A}ire*.
[HERO] 7 : Prob. in first line ~ 1 in 190
{VERA} 43,33 : Prob. of 2 ~ 1 in 70
[gematria value of {VERA} = 43]
Peter Nockolds wrote:
<<It may be quite difficult to show why anyone would create an ELS as well.>>
1) For the same reason Jacobians wrote *acrostic* poetry.
2) As a hidden record for posterity.
. The Original 1590 quarto edition!
The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia,
. written by Sir Philippe [SIDNEI].
*125* is the gematric number, being the sum of the English
characters for PHILIP SIDNEI = [(15+8+9+11+9+15)+(18+9+4+13+5+9)]
. . . . . Sonnet *125*
. WEr't ought to me I "bore the canopy",
. With my extern the outward honoring,
. Or layd great bases {For} eternity,
. Which proues more [S]hort then wast or ruining?
. Haue [I] not seene dwellers on forme an[D] fauor
. Lose all,and more by payi[N]g too much rent
. For compound sw[E]et;Forgoing simple sauor,
. Pitt[I]full thriuors in their gazing spent.
. Noe,let me be obsequious in thy heart,
. And take thou my oblacion,poore but free,
. Which is not mixt with seconds,knows no art,
. But mutuall render onely me for thee.
. Hence,thou subbornd Informer, a trew soule
. When most impeacht,stands least in thy controule.
. . . . . <= *26* =>
. {F o r} e t e r n i t y,W h i c h p r o u e s m o r e
. [S] h o r t t h e n w a s t o r r u i n i n g?H a u e
. [I] n o t s e e n e d w e l l e r s o n f o r m e a n
. [D] f a u o r L o s e a l l,a n d m o r e b y p a y i
. [N] g t o o m u c h r e n t F o r c o m p o u n d s w
. [E] e t;F o r g o i n g s i m p l e s a u o r,P i t t
. [I] f u l l t h r i u o r s i n t h e i r g a z i n g
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* : starting in 3rd line.
. . . . . Sonnet 47
. BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke,
. And each doth good turnes now vnto the other,
. When that mine eye is famisht {For} a looke,
. Or heart in loue with [S]ighes himselfe doth smother;
. W[I]th my loues picture then my eye [D]oth feast,
. And to the painted ba[N]quet bids my heart:
. An other tim[E] mine eye is my hearts guest,
. And [I]n his thoughts of loue doth share a part.
. So either by thy picture or my loue,
. Thy seife away,are present still with me,
. For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue,
. And I am still with them,and they with thee.
. Or if they sleepe, thy picture in my sight
. Awakes my heart,to hearts and eyes delight.
. . . . . <= *26* =>
. {F o r} a l o o k e,O r h e a r t i n l o u e w i t h
. [S] i g h e s h i m s e l f e d o t h s m o t h e r;W
. [I] t h m y l o u e s p i c t u r e t h e n m y e y e
. [D] o t h f e a s t,A n d t o t h e p a i n t e d b a
. [N] q u e t b i d s m y h e a r t:A n o t h e r t i m
. [E] m i n e e y e i s m y h e a r t s g u e s t,A n d
. [I] n h i s t h o u g h t s
{For}[SIDNEI] *26* : starting in 3rd line.
Prob. of 2{For}[SIDNEI]s same skip ~ 1 in 34,000,000
Shortest {For}[SIDNEI] skip in KJV : 869
Shortest {For}[SIDNEI] skip in Moby Dick : 2818
. . . . . . . . *26* days
<<[Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 - 17 October 1586)]
joined Sir John Norris in the Battle of Zutphen, fighting for
the Protestant cause against the Spanish. During the battle,
he was shot in the thigh & died of gangrene *26* days later.>>
Art N.